“Take The Credibility Nation Pledge Challenge”

“I pledge to live credibly every day without hate in my life. I strive to be a good human and make this a better planet for myself, my family, and for other people’s families in this generation and the next.”


  1. Participants should post their pledge videos on their social media account(s). You may post your entry on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

  2. Make sure to use the hashtag #CredibilityNationPledge on your post.

  3. Share/Promote your entry to get the most likes from the start to the end of the contest which is on October 9th to 13th.

  4. The entry that has the most likes will be the grand winner. [5-10 consolations prizes]

  5. You may post your pledge video to more than one social media account of your choice. The numbers of likes from all of your social media accounts will be combined together.

  6. You may go to https://aha.pub/pledge to check out Mitchell’s pledge video as a reference.

  7. Don’t forget to follow and tag us on your post. Check the leaderboard to know where you stand.

*Follow us at these social media accounts for updates and to keep track of your rank from our leaderboard.

  • On Facebook please tag us @Credibility Nation

  • On Twitter please tag us @Credtabulous

  • On Instagram please tag us @credibilitynation

  • On LinkedIn please tag us @Credibility Nation

Here are the Prizes:

  • One CredReel ($997 Prize – Grand Prize) 

  • One LinkedIn Course ($297 – 2nd Prize)

  • Ten 3-month basic memberships in Credibility Nation (3rd Place Prizes)

  • Three autographed copies of the Credibility Nation book

  • Two Amazon gift cards worth $25