Global Credibility Expert, Mitchell Levy, coined the term Credust, which means the sparkle you and the other party receives when you share someone else’s credibility. 

Sprinkling credust is the act of sharing another person’s credibility by talking to other people about the amazing things that person is doing. When you sprinkle credust on others, you don’t only help that person become credible. You’re also increasing your own credibility.

One of the values of Credibility Nation is to sprinkle credust within our community to help each other become credible in our respective fields. Imagine the reach and influence that you will have if a community of credible people shares your credibility to their network.

Know more about Credibility Nation:

  • 20% of Credibility Nation’s profit goes to charity. Find out more here.

  • See the results of the Credibility Nation Research here.

  • Credibility Nation Book: Credibility Nation For Professionals Who Want to Be Seen as Credible by Mitchell Levy

  • Credibility Nation Media

  • What is Credibility Nation all about? Learn more here.